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“Sure count me in, but I doubt Laurel will want to hang out with you two. What time were you thinking? We should be done with the jump around four.”
“You don’t know that she wouldn’t be interested. You might just be afraid she will pick us over you if you let her spend more than a minute alone with us.”
“Fuck you, dickhead. She would never go for your tag team style.” He was also pretty confident in the groundwork he had laid today in showing he was interested in her.
“Whatever you say man. How about six-thirty?”
“Sounds good. That should give me plenty of time to head home and get cleaned up before meeting at your place.”
Laurel walked out of the office then, bag slung over her shoulder and, for all intents and purposes, looking ready to leave. “Sorry to interrupt but I need to get going.”
“Hey honey, you’re not interrupting. We were just making plans for tomorrow.”
She looked at the three of them, a ghost of a smile on her lips, and then shook her head. “That can’t be good. The three of you always caused trouble when you did things together.”
Quin could tell Rev and Kegen didn’t remember her like he did. They had matching confused expressions on their faces and kept darting looks at him.
“They don’t remember you from high school,” he said.
“I would have been surprised if they did. No one really pays attention to the person behind the lens, especially in high school. It did make it easy for me to see what kind of trouble everyone got into. How did you think those photos of the Homecoming bonfire made it into the yearbook? Or the principal’s reaction when he found out you guys used his stinky, old prized graduation gown to get it going?”
Quin’s mouth dropped open when Laurel let out a hearty laugh. He was stunned to find out she knew about it. Kegen didn’t suffer from the same stunned affliction.
“How do you know we were to blame?” Kegen may have asked the question out loud, but it was the same one going through his head.
The three of them got into a lot of trouble after their parents found out about that stunt. All of them lost their driving privileges for the rest of the school year. There was nothing quite as humiliating as having your mother drop you off and having her call out that she loves you in front of all of your friends.
“Oh Kegen, really? Everyone knew. At any rate, I did happen to be there the night you three snuck it out of his office. I had been working late on the yearbook and locking up the room.”
Laurel leaned in toward Kegen, dropping her voice like she was telling a much sought after secret. “You see, I was one of those trusted students who kind of got the run of the place. I watched as you popped the lock on his office door. Rev stood watch in the hallway and Quin was the one to grab it and run. But don’t worry, I never told a soul. I did make sure I was around when the principal found it missing though. Man that thing was disgusting.”
Kegen threw his head back laughing. The smile on Laurel’s face lit up with glee.
“Do you know who ratted us out?” Rev asked.
“Well, of course, it was Bernie Robinson. A friend of mine heard someone talking about it in the locker room. Bernie heard and went straight to the principal to turn you in. He was livid that the gown was burned. He was supposed to be the chosen student to wear it that year.”
“Damn, he was a rat. I never liked that guy,” Rev grumbled and they all laughed.
“Anyway, I really need to get going. I just need that memory card.”
She turned toward him and held out her hand.
“Sure let me grab it out for you.” Propping the helmet on his hip he popped open the camera case and fished out the little device. Handing it over he asked, “You ready to go?”
Quin wanted Laurel away from his brothers and fast. He could tell by the looks on their faces that they were seeing her in a different light. They were probably just figuring out she might be someone they wanted to pursue. What they didn’t know was that he was claiming her for himself. It was going to be their loss and his gain.
He quickly slipped out of his harness and tossed it to Rev. “Thanks man.” Scooping up Laurel’s hand, he laced their fingers together. “Say goodbye to my brothers, Laurel.”
“Huh, what?”
“Say bye.” He tugged and got them moving.
“Oh! Bye Rev. Bye Kegen. Thanks for all your help.”
Quin heard his brothers’ laughter followed by their goodbyes as he and Laurel walked out into what was now a misty rain. Picking up speed, he had her through the gate and in her car with barely a dusting of moisture clinging to her hair.
Standing in her open door he made the split second decision to invite her to the barbeque, he just needed an opening.
“Thank you for everything, Quin. I couldn’t have gotten the rest of what I needed without your help.”
“You’re welcome. It really was my pleasure to help out.”
“Okay. Well…” She looked over to the door then back at him.
Shit. Now he was standing around looking like an idiot. Just ask her jackass. “I was wondering if you wanted to come to a barbeque at Rev and Kegen’s place tomorrow.”
She scrunched up her cute nose. “I don’t know. I was going to clean my house and work on the book.”
“You should take the day off. You’ve been busting your butt out here. I’m sure you can take a day to relax. Everything will still be there the next day.”
“I know but-” She nibbled her lip and he almost lost it.
“It can be an early celebration for getting all of the pictures taken. Everything will be downhill from here, and I’m sure you have another project lined up already. I doubt you’ll take the time off to recharge. Come with me, you deserve it Laurel.”
She still didn’t look convinced and he wasn’t sure what he could do to convince her.
“A barbeque, at your brother’s place? Which one?”
Dear god, she better not be interested in one of them. He had no problem setting them in an unfavorable light. “At their place. The live together. I don’t think one can do anything without the other. I can’t promise the place will be clean, but I can vouch that the food will be great.”
“What time?”
That sounded promising. “Six-thirty. They live in that new housing development right before you get to town. The one with all of the palm trees everywhere and looks like some Florida resort.”
“Oh yeah, Twin Palms. I looked at places there with a friend of mine. Seemed like a nice little community.”
“So is that a yes?”
“Sure, why not. I can take a day off. It’ll be nice to take a day to relax. What should I bring?”
“Just yourself. What time should I pick you up?”
“That’s okay. I’ll come on my own. I live on the other side of town and would hate for you to go out of your way.”
Disappointment nailed him in the gut. Outwardly he smiled and leaned against the doorframe. “It wouldn’t be a problem.”
“Thank you for the offer, but no. I would feel more comfortable having my own car there.”
“Alright then, the offer stands though if you change your mind.”
“Okay. I’ll need the address.”
“No problem. Do you have a piece of paper and a pen?”
“Hold on.” She turned from him, leaning over the console in her SUV and started rummaging through her purse, her tantalizing ass lifting off the seat, teasing him. He’d love to test how taut it was. Spank it until it turned red and she begged him to fuck her.
A frustrated noise pulled him away from the fantasy running through his head.
“Here, let me have your cell and I’ll put in my number, then I can just text you the address once I get back inside.”
She blew out a huff and plopped back down on her delectable derrière. “Okay.”
When Laurel handed over a pink monstrosity of a phone, he couldn’t help but laugh as he typed his name, number and his add
ress in before calling his own phone so he could have hers as well.
Giving it back, he leaned inside the vehicle; he had to have one more kiss before she left, a reminder of their chemistry, not for him but for her. The kiss quickly turned heated, he had to force himself back, closing her door. It pained him to move away, but no good would come of him ravishing her in the parking lot. He would never be able to go as far as he wanted without his brothers coming to see what was taking him so long. Not to mention the rest of the crew leaving to go home.
“See you tomorrow, Laurel. Shoot me a text when you get home tonight so I know you made it okay.”
She seemed flustered and a bit unsure. “Um, okay. Bye Quin and thanks again for everything.”
Stepping back, he watched as she reversed, then drove off. It was ridiculous how at ease he felt around her in such a short period of time and how much he missed her already.
Turning away from her retreating taillights, he headed back to the hanger, preparing to lay down the law with the two men inside. There was no way in hell he was letting them even entertain the idea that they could have Laurel.
Chapter Four
Quin gritted his teeth as Rev twirled Laurel around the patio again. Her head was tilted back and happy laughter floated through the air mixing with the soft music playing.
Ever since she arrived an hour earlier he’d barely gotten any time alone with her. It was just his bad luck she was waylaid by Kegen when she pulled into the driveway, who had been out front just finishing up mowing the lawn.
Quin swore his brother cast a quick glance to the huge bay window where he was standing and grinned. Not knowing what Kegen was up to, he stood in bewilderment as Laurel noticed when, as per his usual routine, Kegen whipped off his shirt then rinsed off with the hose. It was a habit they all formed during their youth whenever it was their turn to do the yard work. They also noticed the girls in the neighborhood stopping by to say hello to their parents on those days as well.
Before Quin could go out and rescue Laurel from Kegen’s clutches, Rev called him over to help switch out the propane tank on the grill. Kegen, sans shirt, walked around the side of the house and into the backyard with Laurel’s arm looped through his and her body pulled up close to his side.
Still stunned at the turn of events, he didn’t even get a word out when Rev stepped up and pealed her away from his twin, claiming Kegen was getting her all hot, sweaty and wet. Laurel just laughed and let them manhandle her. The guys were either oblivious to the blush rising in her cheeks from all of the attention or were thinking of other ways they could keep that look there.
He told them in no uncertain terms over the course of the day to keep their hands and minds off her. Seems all that did was make them try harder to gain her attention.
After that, Rev and Kegen spent the next hour basically playing keep away. Quin was the sad guy in the middle and Laurel was the coveted prize. He honestly didn’t know how much longer he could put up with it. And he was certain their parents wouldn’t appreciate him killing their precious babies.
The song they were dancing to wound down and Laurel threw up her hands and chuckled. “Enough. I’d like to sit and relax please. I was promised relaxation.” Her gaze flitted to where he was sitting nursing his beer.
“As you wish.” Rev sketched a bow and all Quin could think about was putting a foot up his brother’s ass and knocking him over.
Quin put the beer down. He was done sitting on the sidelines. “Go see if Kegen needs any help Rev. I’ll take care of Laurel.”
Rev smirked and Quin thought he heard him mumble, “So, the man really is interested.”
He shot his brother a dirty look as he got up to snatch Laurel away. He was acting juvenile but didn’t care. He beamed at Laurel, ignoring his brother standing there. “You’re right, I did promise you relaxation. Did you want anything to drink?”
“A water would be fantastic. I’ve worked up quite the dry throat.”
“Why don’t you get that for her while you’re checking on our brother? I’ll get her settled into a nice comfy chair.”
Quin was just about to gather Laurel in his arms when she spun around toward Rev. She placed a kiss on his cheek before wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. Quin saw red and barely kept himself from exploding. “Thanks for dancing with me. I haven’t done that in ages.”
It was a damn good thing Laurel’s back was to him. Otherwise, she would be able to see the murderous intent emanating from him. Rev only winked at him and pulled Laurel tighter against him. “Sweetheart, I’d dance with you anytime.”
Quin knew that voice his brother was using. It dropped low and gravelly; he swore it revved the woman up to where they would just drop their panties at a moment’s notice. Rev called it his “fuck me” voice.
Laurel didn’t seem affected by it at all. Her arms tightened around Rev for a second, then she pushed back against his shoulders forcing him to let go or look like an idiot. “You are so sweet. Could I get some ice in my water please?”
All of the rage that was building up within Quin dissipated and he finally relaxed a bit. Pulling his phone from his pocket he quickly took a picture of Rev’s stunned face, for future teasing or blackmailing of course. It’s what brothers did when given such a great opportunity to relive a crushing blow.
Laurel turned toward him again. “Now, about that comfy chair? I wasn’t expecting to be on my feet this much.” She pointed down to the dainty brown sandals. Her bright red nail polish was quite the surprise and he liked it. “These were not made for so much activity. Not enough cushion.”
He couldn’t help but smile. Whenever she was looking at him or close to him, he felt shear happiness settle in his bones. “I have the perfect seat for you then.” He would prefer she sat on his lap to keep her close and stake his claim, but didn’t think she would go for it. Instead, he guided her over to the lounger next to the chair he had taken up residence in earlier. “This will let you rest those feet for a bit.”
Before he let her sit, he pulled her into his arms. Any residual tension in his body all but disappeared. He rested his forehead against hers. “I don’t think I’ve had the chance to say hello to you properly.”
Unlike the hug she gave his brother, she slid her hands up his chest before twining them around his neck. It was a sensation he experienced before and it felt just as good this time, maybe even better. “I don’t think so either. How are you going to fix that?”
“Like this,” he whispered before placing a kiss on the tip of her nose. “And this.” He dropped a kiss on one cheek, then the other. “And most definitely like this.” He settled his lips on hers, pressing lightly. He wanted it to be a sweet, sensual assault. A build up of pleasure he knew they would both enjoy but was interrupted too soon by Rev…again. Brother or not, the man was really starting to get on his nerves.
“Here’s your water, Laurel.”
Laurel stepped back and took a seat, her toned legs stretched out in front of her, while Quin took the chair to her left. Rev handed her the drink then immediately sat on the edge of the lounger, slipping her sandals off. “I didn’t mean to wear your poor little toes out.” He picked up her right foot and started to rub. Her head tiled back, eyes slammed shut and a low groan escaped her lips.
Quin saw Rev’s body stiffen even as he continued the massage. Quin completely understood what the sound did to his brother because it did the same to him. It made him hot and horny. Rev looked over at him, eyes wide and mouthed holy shit.
Laurel had unwittingly turned both of them on with a single sound. She had no clue just how sexy she was with her friendly disposition and down to earth attitude. He knew she didn’t dress to be provocative yet the small brown sandals, knee length light blue flowing skirt, and brown and blue matching top exuded sensuality instead of the casual look it was meant to possess.
A shuffling noise to his left snagged his attention. Kegen stood there holding the steaks with the same look of desire Re
v had etched on his face. Seemed he wasn’t the only one that was seeing her in a new light.
Laurel must have sensed Kegen’s presence. She lifted her head and opened her sleepy eyes. Her gaze bounced between them all. “Was I drooling or something?”
“No,” Quin answered. “Why do you ask?”
“You’re all staring at me strangely. I thought that maybe I fell asleep for a second, started snoring.”
“I didn’t realize you were that tired.”
“Not tired, just finally relaxed. If you ever decide to give up skydiving Rev you would make a wonderful masseur.”
“Thanks sweetheart, I’ll keep that in mind in case I get tired of working with him.”
Rev pointed to him and Quin snorted. “I should be so lucky.”
Everyone laughed and the tension in the air evaporated.
Laurel stood up from the table and started gathering the dishes. It had been a wonderful evening hanging with the Ferris boys with all of the laughing and storytelling. They never talked about high school, for which she was grateful. Instead, they kept to topics that were relevant in their lives currently, such as her photography and their skydiving.
Through the course of the evening Rev flirted shamelessly with her. She was positive he did it to mess with his older brother. Kegen even got in on the fun every once in a while. For the most part, Quin would laugh and brush off what they were doing but occasionally, when he didn’t think she was looking; she could see the anger and jealousy burn through his carefully created mask.
It was those times when she questioned what she thought she was doing. She accepted his invite to come over; although, never thought of it as a date, so she didn’t think twice about splitting her time between the guys. Sure Quin was the one who kissed her and held her hand or found a way to keep their bodies in contact with each other. She just assumed he was attracted to her.